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Below you’ll find a summary of the current projects we’re involved with.

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  • INUKA Rehabilitation Hospital Project – New Therapy Building and Related Equipment

    Construct a new therapy building next to the main rehabilitation hospital and outpatient clinic.   Includes a new physiotherapy hall for children, an occupational therapy hall, and treatment rooms for autism and other special needs.  There will also be individual treatment rooms to provide privacy for adults and children as required by law.  Since the number of adults needing rehab services is increasing, these rooms will increase INUKA’s operating revenue too.  The project will also provide additional equipment for physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and other needs to improve the quality of services.

  • INUKA Rehabilitation Hospital and Outpatient Clinic Project – Electrical Power Supply

    Grid outages continue to be a problem for the facility, and the solar backup system originally installed has not functioned properly.  INUKA recently brought in a new firm, AG energies, to assess the issue. For this project phase, the consultant has recommended some corrections to one additional solar power inverter and the purchase of new battery capacity to ensure the availability of day and night electricity.

  • INUKA Rehabilitation Hospital and Outpatient Clinic Project: Electrical Power Supply (Partially Completed July 2021)

    For the INUKA facility overall, we have also identified an additional issue with recent electrical grid blackouts that their solar system backup has not been able to overcome. Therefore, projects were initiated to correct the problem using the incremental funds raised for the building project.  Funds were used to bring in a consultant, AG energies, to assess issues with the solar power system and make recommendations on how to improve the system.  As a result, initial repairs were made to one solar power inverter, and we acquired a new diesel generator to provide another layer of backup power.  Another project has been initiated for 2022 and 2023 to fully resolve the problem.

  • INUKA Outpatient Clinic: Building Construction & Equipping the Facility (Completed July 2021)

    In January 2021, Fr. Nestor returned to Tanzania, and he was given several new assignments, including his role as managing director of the INUKA Rehabilitation Hospital. In June 2021, Fr. Nestor asked us to help him build a much-needed outpatient clinic located next to the main rehabilitation hospital. The amount of money needed to build, secure and fully equip the facility was $250,000. After much prayer and due diligence, we said, “Yes,” and began our “Healing Bodies to Help Save Souls” fundraising campaign. For this project, we partnered directly with Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church for back-office donor and accounting support so that we could get the building under roof before the next rainy season began.

    You can find the project summary at this link:
    INUKA Outpatient Clinic – Project Summary

    Initially, our personal funding and initial quiet ask of friends and family raised $85,000, which got the project moving quickly and allowed us to get the building under roof before the rainy season. With the support of our chaplain, Fr. Brad Baker, we had a very successful ask at weekend Masses at Saints Peter and Paul parish in late October 2021. That part of the campaign raised an additional $69,000.

    Additionally, each December Saints Peter and Paul holds a large fundraising event called Light the Way, which designates a different charity or cause to be the recipient of the proceeds each year. For 2021, Hope for Tanzania and our “Healing Bodies to Help Save Souls” campaign was the recipient. The event had a record attendance of 219 people and the largest net proceeds ($113,000) recorded in its 24-year history. After this event, additional amounts were received and we were able to send a total of $273,800 to the Diocese of Njombe so that Fr. Nestor could finish the project.  Overall, the project was completed by July 2021 which included the building (with equipment and supplies), security fence and an ambulance.  Additional funds were used to fix the electrical power supply as noted in the section below.